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Throughout my career as a freelancer and entrepreneur, the toughest part of business has always been sales. I have always done it and I am confident in what I know, so I can tell you all the benefits of what I have to offer and convince you that I’m the one to do the job. Yet sales hasn’t been something I have been excited about, until this past year.

Last year on February 1, 2019, I attended Grant Cardone’s 10X Growth Conference. I wanted to have a better approach to my year as most people did during that time of the year so I invested $129 in a plastic bench at Marlins stadium ( fancy way of saying I bought a ticket).

The event started about half an hour late on Friday morning or “on-time” by Miami time (I later learned that Grant Cardone was from Miami). Then the stadium’s sliding dome opened up. I didn’t know what was going on but everyone was looking up. A small plane flew by from very high up and I now suspected that Grant was going to parachute into the stadium.

I thought “he can’t do that because we are to close to the airport and they wouldn’t let that happen.” Sure enough a small body could be seen high above coming near the stadium below.

“I thought, this is crazy! What if he misses the opened stadium.” I could think of all the negative things that could happen and the more I thought negatively the more excited I became. Not because I wanted something negative to happen but because the risk he was taking was amazing to me. Grant Cardone landed safely except for a slight knee injury which delayed the start a little more, but no one cared. We all just watched someone parachute into Marlins stadium and everyone could not help but be amazed and excited.

What does a parachuting sales guy have to do with selling? I believe it was to reinforce that sales can be exciting. If not the action of sales then the people who do sales. Only one person fell from the sky and landed safely that morning, but we all were excited and energized for a spectacular weekend.

For myself, this past year I have been learning how to be excited about sales through personal development and sales training. I have seen a difference in my approach and attitude and it has made sales much not enjoyable, not just bearable.